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Monday, March 8, 2010

A Day of Adventure

Today was a day filled with rich learning experiences for these learners. We left this morning to visit the Flynn theater in Burlington. We joined a theater filled with students from other schools and districts to watch Mermaid Theater from Nova Scotia preform a selection of Eric Carle's stories. We watched three of his stories: Little Cloud,The Mixed-Up Chameleon and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We then traveled back to Allen Brook where we met as a class to graph our favorite story. The class favorite was The Mixed-up Chameleon, this week we will be doing a class project using this story. Following, we ate lunch in the classroom, a very special treat! The students were very excited about the trip and I'm sure you will hear more about it. We wanted to send a special "thank you" to our parent chaperons, you made this trip a success. We hope you enjoy the slide show and stay tuned for more pictures.

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