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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We were very lucky on Monday when Quinn brought in two caterpillars for our butterfly net which has been sitting empty in our classroom. We have been fortunate to watch a few caterpillars in Ms. Canfield's class turn into chrysalis but nothing beats watching your own right in front of your eyes. That is what happened on Tuesday when the one caterpillar climbed up to the top of the enclosure, hung in a 'J' formation and then by the afternoon had turned into a chrysalis. The excitement in the classroom was outrageous!!! We are waiting for the second caterpillar to march up to the top and join the first one. I told Quinn that Mr. Macnee and I have spent hours looking for caterpillars in the past weeks only to come up empty handed. The classroom is thankful for the 2 caterpillars found in a milkweed patch next to the Williston Friendly's restaurant. I'll keep you posted on the on going metamorphosis that is taking place in our classroom.

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