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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Four Winds: Teeth & Skulls

On Tuesday, the Four Winds helpers (Katrina Moreau, Amy Armstrong,Tammy Jadus and Wendy Ward) came into the classroom to talk about animal skulls and teeth. The kids discovered that the kind of teeth the animal has is a clue to the kind of diet they eat which then puts them into one of the four main groups: Carnivores, eating meat; herbivores, eating plants; insectivores,eating insects and omnivores, eating a variety of foods. We learned all about the three different kinds of teeth: incisors, canines and molars.After a wonderful puppet show about why animals have teeth we broke up into stations to create models of a skull and teeth, investigate some real animal skulls and eat a snack using the three different types of teeth. Enjoy the slideshow of the latest workshop.

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