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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten 2010

Although the weather was extremely hot the kids were cool and calm inside the classroom the first day of school. We had a wonderful morning starting out with an ease-in time at various tables. After everyone had arrived in the morning we met as a classroom for our first morning meeting. We had a chance to practice going to the cafeteria in the morning to learn some of the important expectations to ensure a safe and happy lunch time. The same routine was followed out on the playground so that when it came time to have recess the children would know some of the safety rules that would keep them safe and happy. The rest of the day included snack time, choice time, Library and closing circle. Throughout the day the children were pretty diligent about drinking water and staying cool because by 2:00 it was like an oven in our classroom. The three fans seemed to help circulate the air and I kept the lights off and the shades pulled to try to keep it a little cooler than the outside temperature.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of the classroom in action during a few of our moments in school.

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