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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

I want to wish all my kindergarten families a Happy New Year. We have been back at school for 3 days now and I don't think the kids are quite ready for this full time school business. They are however very excited to see their classmates and have work and choice time again with their friends. We have eased into the New Year with some old favorites like Writer's Workshop along with adding the much anticipated "Reading Groups'. One of the benefits this new Year brings is the addition of Celia Hooker, my intern from St. Michael's College, who will be in the classroom everyday throughout the next 4 months. Celia is a natural with children and the class has welcomed her into their school lives with ease. The following pictures are from this week's Writer's Workshop along with a few pictures of Ms. Hooker and the kids during a snack time.

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