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Monday, December 7, 2009

Today the kids brought in items that start with the letter 'c'. We learned that the 'c' borrows the sound from two other letters in the alphabet, the 'k' and the 's'. We talked a lot about what it means to borrow something. When we borrow something we use it carefully and then we give it back to the person it belongs to. The 'c' likes to borrow the sound of the 'k' the most but every once in a while it borrows the sound from the letter 's'. This is the wordle from today's Sound Circle. You can see all the items the kids brought into class today. Remember that the words that appear larger are the objects that were brought in by more than one child. You can look at these words with your child and they can try to read some of the words in print.
Wordle: sound circle

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