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Monday, October 26, 2009

Sound Circle 'S' and 'Z'.....Monday, October 26th

Today was the first day the kids were asked to bring in items from home that started with an 's' and a 'z'. We studied the two letters and the sounds they make very carefully and found out the sounds are made in the same place in our mouths. We did find out a special way to tell them apart: one is a 'quiet' brother and the other is a 'noisy' brother. The kids had to place their items under the correct letter sound as you can see in this picture. We have activities planned all week using these pair of sounds. Next Monday we will start again with two new letters. Watch for the reminder on the class letter Friday morning.

1 comment:

Tim Shea said...

Nolan really enjoyed the S & Z project. He has been teaching his younger brother ever since!

Tim Shea