Many of you know that this site is going to be retired in a few weeks and that the NEW site is already up and running with a slightly different address. Please click on the link below to access the NEW site.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome New Kindergarten Families

Greetings Families: I am Anne Macnee and I am your child's kindergarten teacher for the upcoming year. I look forward to meeting all of you on Thursday, August 27th when your child comes to the classroom from 9:00-10:00. This is my classroom blog site and throughout the year you will be able to access this site to watch your child learn and grow. Feel free to scroll down and view the happenings in the classroom from this past year. I am in the process of changing the format of my blog by adding links to my classroom wiki which will allow you to sign up for parent/teacher conferences, bringing in food for classroom celebrations and even a chance to listen to your child on podcasts. So exciting!!! New learning for me but very "21st Century" for all of us in the education profession. Have a look and stay tuned...... Until next time, Anne Macnee

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