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Thursday, March 26, 2009

In this video clip you will see Sophia Gigliotti read a Bill Peet story called Whingdingdilly to our kindergarten classroom. Sophia is the sister of Nick Gigliotti, a Macnee Kindergarten Alumni and a 4th grader at Williston Central School. Sophia was studying one of her favorite author's and wanted to come into the classroom to read the story and organize a little craft for the kids related to the book. The kids all had a chance to make their own Whingdingdilly and we are in the process of adding some writing. We all want to thank Sophia for taking the time to come in and read a fabulous book to the kindergartners!!!

1 comment:

lauraG said...

Sophia sure enjoyed coming in to see her Kindergarten teacher, now as a 4th grader! The class did a wonderful job creating their Wingdingdillies. Such a creative bunch!
Laura G.