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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Snack Time Routine

Each day during snack time the children pick a Popsicle stick from a container and they have to go find the match at one of the four snack tables. They can't see what number they are picking so it is a wonderful surprise when they see who else gets to come to their table to eat snack. We just introduced this new way of finding a snack table today, day 5 of kindergarten. This new technique allows me to change the Popsicle sticks each month to challenge the kids with a variety of matching opportunities throughout the curriculum AND it allows children to sit and socialize with a variety of classmates and avoids the "save me a seat" scenario. The themes of the snack sticks vary from matching uppercase and lowercase letters to categorizing animals in winter into four groups: hibernators, migrators, active and dormant. I will keep you updated each month on the snack table themes.

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